it's really bad when the event was set and promise was made the day before, yet the next of the party forget about it or he/she just didn't take it as a serious matter as the other party did...this eventually leads to the feelings of being rejected, betrayed, that leads to hatred, disappointment...sadness
surely many face this situation...what matter is how do you overcome it? (dear readers, this question is meant for you to judgment just brainstorming...just say what is in your mind as you see this question...better if you could share your experience)
well...tears were shed (luckily no blood shedding)...some might shed blood (you might not know!)
what need to be shared already shared...what is not necessary was kept (silence)
the truth was told, the lie was kept
but what is true in your eyes are not true in people's eyes...
perspectives are very important...
some thinks it's rational and some thinks it's not...
just like answering questions...yes or no? why and why not?
troubles come, problems solved (positively/negatively)...
one day, you could have all the happiness that you want in the beginning of the day but how about the end of the day? if it's a happy ending, it's if it's an unhappy ending?
at the end of the day, when you summarize what you have been through the whole day, you will realize there are some negatives in positives or vice versa (just like yin & yang - balanced the positives & negatives)
God bless everyone & take time to review what you have been through in your life...
Have a nice day!
:) I can get what you feel... Been there, but certainly I hope not done that.
Good reminder to me too..thanks.
You almost have the same thinking as me....... lol
kath, Which one is good reminder?
Promising to attend an event but then never see it through. :)
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