Saturday, September 07, 2024

Coughing for about 3 months

I have been coughing for about 3 months since 11 June 2024.

I went to consult doctor on 14 June 2024, continued seeing doctors in different clinics almost once a month.

Taken medicines, finish the course of medicines, feel like almost recovered, but in between mix with other traditional medicines and supplements, did not recover fully. 

Work continues as usual, did not think of anything serious about it. Wearing mask to work daily. 

Experiencing skin allergy almost daily in the evening, sill unsure what is it about (could be allergy to fish, and egg?).

I have been seeing doctors, they confirmed that it is not COVID-19, not tuberculosis, it was bronchitis. However, I think I have recovered from it. Not sure how is it that I am still coughing occasionally causing pain at my sides. I do not know how long more I need to endure coughing until I fully recovered from it.

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